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Canada Pardon Services
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Canada Pardon Offices specializes in assisting any person with Canadian criminal records to obtain the Canadian Pardon and the U.S. Entry Restriction Waivers.

Get your
Federal Pardon
American Waiver
Waiver Application
US Entry Waiver Form
Online Pardon Evaluation
Call Toll Free: 1-888-596-5736

Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Canada Pardon Offices Inc. (CPS) using this site you accept the use of our services under the terms and conditions representing a contract without exception or limitation, and other rules and practices services you will be asked to follow. note that CPS reserves the right to introduce amendments and changes to the site, the terms and conditions. If you decide not to accept the conditions and defined terms, you can not therefore benefit from our services present on this site.

Secure Payment by credit card

To prepare for any eventuality, CPS uses a secure payment system. SSL secure server ensures the reliability of your payment by encrypting at the time of entry, all personal data that we are required to process your application (names, addresses, emails, bank details). When transferring via the Internet, it is impossible to read. You will notice the https: // (for secured http) appearing in the address bar and the small padlock at the bottom of page that indicates you are on secure pages. Of course, if you prefer to use more traditional methods, CPS accepts credit card numbers by phone at 1-888-596-5736 and check payments. Confidentiality will be respected equally.

The regulations of this website

The Service Provider insures, for the benefit of the Beneficiary. The Service Provider provides the Beneficiary with
one of the services defined below;
- Canada Pardon Offices (CPS) The service provider will act on my behalf (the beneficiary) to complete the final file
for obtaining the Canadian pardon (suspension of the criminal record) from the National Parole Board
- (CPS) The supplier will act on my behalf (the beneficiary) to obtain to complete the final file to obtain (the Waiver)
the exemption from entry into the United States with the DHS (Department of Homeland Security).
- (CPS) The provider will act on my behalf (the beneficiary) to complete the final file to obtain either the Canadian
Pardon (suspension of criminal records) from the National Parole Board and/or obtain the US Entry Waiver States of
DHS (Department of Homeland)

- (CPS) The service provider will act on my behalf (the beneficiary) to obtain the two or the destruction of the file. But
the provider recalls that he does not give legal advice.
- The Beneficiary gives a mandate to (CPS) to enter into communication with all the government services concerned
by the Pardon process, namely the RCMP, local police, courts, and CNL in order to complete your file.
- By completing the online application, the Beneficiary gives explicit mandate to CPS to act on their behalf to help the
applicant prepare a request for a Canadian Pardon and, or a US Entry Waiver. This mandate is granted for the entire
duration of the Contract and will end at the same time as the Contract.
- The Parties acknowledge that the Contract applies to all the Services listed above. Any service that is not expressly
listed in the Contract will be excluded from these presents and the Beneficiary cannot claim to benefit from it.
A.3 - Duration
The Recipient understands and agrees that the Pardon Application and Waiver process may take up to 24 months, I
agree that: my fees will be refunded in full if the Provider, Canada Pardon Service has not completed the service by
the due date and that Canada Pardon Service will not be responsible for paying any financial compensation.
A.4 -Rates
Total price of services: $548.05 ($485+HST13%) tax included for each service. And 1096.10 ($970.00+13% HST tax)
for both services. The expedited service fee is $750 +HST per application (the expedited service gives the applicant
follow-up and special handling internally at CPS) Note that if the applicant has 10 or more violations may see a
processing fee of file greater than 548.05, please specify the number of violations during the telephone interview with
the agent.
NB: the Service Provider cannot guarantee obtaining a pardon or waiver, nor the non-modification of the laws and the
tariffs to be paid to the authorities involved in the process of pardon and/or waiver (GRC, Police, courts, NPB ,
Reminder: Any criminal act on the part of the applicant during the Pardon or Waiver process will lead to considerable
consequences, indeed this event may delay or eliminate my eligibility date and will result in a serious extension of the
process. I
Important :

The services of Canada Pardon Offices are to collect and collate the requested documents in collaboration with the
beneficiary in order to prepare the final files which will be submitted to the National Parole Board for Pardon and to
the Waiver applicant for any Waiver request, it is the waiver applicant who is responsible for submitting his file in
person or online. The pardon (record suspension is a 5-6 page document) which means that all criminal offenses of
the recipient must be disclosed to us. The Waiver is a 2-page document indicating that you have permission to travel
to the UNITED STATES for a period determined by Homeland Security (generally varies between 1 to 5 years). The
process of obtaining a pardon and/or Waiver is a complex process and involves multiple steps. A number of
interactions with other services are required during this process (such as the RCMP, court, local police, as well as the
National Parole Board or DHS), as well as the cooperation of the applicant in these procedures is essential such as
fingerprinting, local police verification, references to finalize its process. In addition, the process depends on several
elements such as the number of offenses, the date of the offenses, the courthouses or courts involved and the
A.5 - Method of payment

La demande d'annulation doit être envoyé par écrit, aucune annulation par téléphone ne sera acceptée, si vous
voulez annuler votre demande faire une demande par écrit (fax, email, lettre recommander) afin de recevoir un
formulaire d'annulation à compléter et traiter votre demande en conformité avec la loi de consommateur et de contrat
à distance LPC SECTION I.1 (54.1 A 54.16).
54.1. Un contrat conclu à distance est un contrat conclu alors que le commerçant et le consommateur ne sont pas en
présence l'un de l'autre et qui est précédé d'une offre du commerçant de conclure un tel contrat.
54.7. Le commerçant doit transmettre au consommateur un exemplaire du contrat dans les 15 jours suivant sa
conclusion de façon à garantir que le consommateur puisse aisément le conserver et l'imprimer sur support papier.
54.8. Le consommateur peut résoudre le contrat dans les sept jours suivant la réception de l'exemplaire du contrat
dans l'un ou l'autre des cas suivants :
a) le commerçant n'a pas, avant la conclusion du contrat, divulgué au consommateur tous les renseignements
énumérés à l'article 54.4 ou ne les a pas divulgués conformément à cet article ;
b) le commerçant n'a pas, avant la conclusion du contrat, expressément donné au consommateur la possibilité
d'accepter ou de refuser la proposition ou d'en corriger les erreurs ;
c) le contrat n'est pas conforme aux exigences de l'article 54.6;
d) le commerçant n'a pas transmis un exemplaire du contrat de façon à garantir que le consommateur puisse
aisément le conserver et l'imprimer sur support papier.
Ce délai de résolution court toutefois à compter de l'exécution de l'obligation principale du commerçant lorsque le
consommateur constate, à ce moment, que le commerçant n'a pas divulgué tous les renseignements énumérés à
l'article 54.4.
Si le commerçant n'a pas transmis au consommateur un exemplaire du contrat dans le délai prévu à l'article 54.7, le
délai de résolution est porté à 30 jours et il court à compter de la conclusion du contrat.
54.13. Le commerçant doit, dans les 15 jours suivant la résolution du contrat, rembourser le consommateur de toutes
les sommes payées par ce dernier en vertu de ce contrat et de tout contrat accessoire, y compris les sommes
payées à un tiers.
Je comprends que si j'annule ma demande durant les 10 jours, les frais d'activation de dossier ($182.68CAD) sur
chaque service ne sont pas remboursables.
Article 2125 : Le client peut, unilatéralement, résilier le contrat, quoique la réalisation de l'ouvrage ou la prestation du
service ait déjà été entreprise.
Ainsi, conformément à l'article 2125 C.C.Q., le client peut résilier le contrat en tout temps, et ce, même si l'exécution
de celui-ci a déjà débuté. Il n'a pas à justifier sa décision ni à prouver la faute de l'entrepreneur, et aucune mise en
demeure n'est requise.
Toutefois, l'article 2129 Code civil du Québec prévoit le client est tenu, lors de la résiliation du contrat, de payer au
prestataire de services, en proportion du prix convenu, les frais et dépenses actuelles, la valeur des travaux exécutés
avant la notification de la résiliation

Any cancellation request received after 7 days from the date of application does not give any right to reimbursement.
The service requester can make a total payment or per month or according to the progress of the service.
I understand that from the date of contract the applicant has 24 months to give his fingerprints or the criminal record
(valid) to us, in order to complete the procedure of pardon or/and Waiver. After this period of 24 months and if Our
services have not received your fingerprints or your valid criminal record, the file will be closed without notice and
without any refund.
I understand that I should request that all my documents be sent to my address, before submitting this cancellation,
otherwise these documents may be lost. I also understand that once Canada Pardon Offices deletes the files, they
cannot be recovered.
The final pardon file will be sent by registered post with several files directly to the National Commission for
Conditional Releases once the decision is made, you will receive the confirmation of the decision by post. For the
Waiver, the final file will be sent to your address by registered post, (CPS assumes no financial or legal responsibility
in the event of loss of file with Canada Post) and you are responsible for making the submission in person or online
and for present yourself at customs in order to file the file.
At any time the applicant can close his file and recover his original documents which are at our disposal. This request
must be made by email, fax, or by letter in which it is necessary to mention the personal information and the address
of reception, as well as the acceptance of closing of file, it should be noted that no refund will be paid to the applicant.
Following this closing of the file, the costs of registered mail will be borne by the applicant.
B2: During the Pardon and/or Waiver procedures, the applicant must have two valid pieces of identification (exp:
passport, driver's license, birth certificate, etc.) The result of the federal RCMP can take 120 days and sometimes
more depending on file (see RCMP website) Scheduled courthouse conviction and court document may take longer
than 3+ months, depending on number and date of offenses and availability of information in the system.
The Local Police verification can take 6 months, especially in large cities. The applicant is obliged to complete all
information and documents requested by CPS in order to complete his application in question.
Canada Pardon Offices is not responsible in the event that the courthouse or RCMP investigation takes longer than
normal (RCMP may take longer than 6 months at times, the courthouse and/or court may take 6 months and more
depending on the number of infractions from the date of the infraction.
I acknowledge that Term payment means that the customer is committed to paying per month an amount of $182.68
per month and per service for a total of $548.05
If the monthly payment has not been respected by the applicant CPS reserves the right to pass the amount of the
balance due.
The confidentiality of your file is of rigor, thus CPS employs all the efforts in order to protect the information and data
collected during these processes, CPS does not assume the responsibility for the loss of documents during the
sending or the reception of documents. Canada Post or the delivery person may be responsible for this loss. In the
event of human error on our part in the context of procedures CPS will make every effort to remedy the situation and
the human error.
In the context of a pardon or/and waiver application, the applicant is required to pay other costs directly to the
authorities involved in the proceedings.
Here are the details of the costs to be paid by the applicant:
Procedural fees (payable to the CPS) $548.05, Fingerprints payable to the fingerprint department (between $80 to
$100. Per fingerprint) Court fees (varies between $3 per page/QC and $10 to $50/file in other provinces) , contact the
courthouse for details) Fees for local police checks (depending on addresses in the last 5 years around $69 to $80

per post) Fees for application for decision with the National Liberation Commission Conditional ($50) Fee of $585 US
dollars payable to Homeland Security to review its final application.
‐ CPS reserves the right to refuse to process a file, and to file a criminal complaint against an applicant who does not
respect our employees and who uses harassing, violent or discriminatory language in person or over the telephone.
‐ I understand that the outcome of the pardon process is given by the National Commission and that of Waiver by
Homeland Security and CPS has no control over the response times and the outcome received by the applicant
associated with the requests. I understand that prompt service on our part relates only to the processing of the file in
our offices (internal) in general the processing times depend on the RCMP, the courthouse, the national archive, the
national commission, DHS, the nature of the convictions and the number of these.
You are responsible for shipping all documents by registered mail CPS does not assume loss of documents sent by
the applicant
B.3- Confidentiality
The Parties undertake to treat as confidential any information they may obtain under this Agreement.

Canada Pardon Offices
3200 3200 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario M6A 3B2
Toll free: 1-888-596-5736
Telephone: (416) 849-5920
Fax: (416) 849-5921
Email: info@pardoncanadaservice.ca
Federal Pardon
US Travel Waiver
Learn more about the U.S Waiver.
The Pardon can help you in:
  • Traveling to USA / other countries
  • Applying for a job and career advancement
  • Working as a volunteer
  • Rental approvals
  • Child custody cases
  • Working with kids
  • Adoption
  • Education opportunities
  • Your ability to be bonded
Pardon Guaranteed
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