Canada Pardon Services
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Canada Pardon Offices specializes in assisting any person with Canadian criminal records to obtain the Canadian Pardon and the U.S. Entry Restriction Waivers.

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Federal Pardon
American Waiver
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Pardon FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions

1. When can you apply for rehabilitation?
The time to apply for a pardon varies with the type of offence and the penalty imposed. The pardon is granted depending on the nature of offences and also whether you have had a good behaviour in accordance with the law during a period of time varying with the nature of the offence committed. (Call to discuss your situation with our consultants) Call…1-888-596-5736. It's free.

2. What is a criminal record?
The criminal record is a record in a registry administered by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and in which all the information on those found in violation of laws is kept. Even after several years and, even if it concerns a minor offence, the criminal record does not disappear automatically. These traces can be used to justify a harsher sentence in the event of further offences.

3. I have a criminal record but it has no impact on my life so far. Why would I need a Pardon?
In addition to the obvious reasons, which require you to apply for one, such as employment or travel abroad, people who have a criminal record are the most vulnerable to the extent that they can be easily suspected during their existence because their record does not automatically erased. It remains with the person throughout his life. Often, people simply want to get rid of past mistakes. Peace of mind is a common motivation for requesting for a Pardon.

4. How long will it take to get the Pardon?
This is a question most frequently asked to the consultants of our service and the answer is somewhat ambiguous, because each request is unique in its treatment and Pardons and Waivers are granted after a specific process in each case.

A number of contacts with other services is required during the process, such as the RCMP, the court, the local police, as well as the National Parole Board (or DHS), in order to define the specific request.
The treatment of a Pardon or a Waiver is a very serious process, which goes through several stages. Canada Pardon Offices puts in place a platform specializing in the evaluation of the duration of the process depending on the data received by each applicant.

It is important to note that given the importance of obtaining forgiveness for many people with time constraints, the Canadian government is undertaking measures aimed at speeding up the process at the National Parole Board. Delays might therefore soon be reduced. Currently, the duration varies from 12 to 18 months, but it depends on the type of crime and the documents required. Duration of the process may be more than 18 months in some cases. Note that other variables come into play in determining the duration for obtaining forgiveness, such as the need to find a job or to keep a job… ..

5. What are the consequences of a criminal record?
The existence of a criminal record includes the following drawbacks:

  • Employment (affects your candidacy – loss of promotion or your job - limits access to jobs in the banking, insurance, government, hospital, legal, social, security and… the list is long)
  • Investment (limits your chance to obtain credit, permits and licenses - loss of customers and markets…)
  • Inssurances (denial of your application for home insurance, car insurance and life and health - pay high rates)
  • Childcare (hinders with your entitlement to care for your children and/or to have a career related with children and makes adoption hard)
  • Volunteering (excluded from the opportunity to work and help people feel)
  • Travel
  • Peace of Mind
  • Your immigration status or citizenship in Canada
  • Training
  • Renting (limits the ability to rent)
  • ETC.

6. If I have more than one offence, do I need a Pardon for each one of them?
No. Once you get the Pardon it is valid for all crimes showing on your criminal record, and all the offences are removed from the ICCP (the computer network of the RCMP).

7. If I am once again accused of a crime after obtaining a Pardon, what will happen?
The Pardon is no longer valid if you are accused of a new crime. If this is the case you would be entitled to apply for a second pardon. Otherwise, your criminal record will remain sealed for ever.

8. I am not sure if I need a Pardon or a Waiver, what do I do in this case?
Canada Pardon Offices places at your disposal a consultation and assessment session. Its mission is to inform you and to offer appropriate solutions to your situation, for free, they are at your disposal to check your eligibility and how to proceed to guarantee your acceptance. The decision is easy, you just have to contact our consultants.

9. What are the consequences of the Pardon?
With the Pardon, all information and conviction information are removed from the computer system of the Centre for the Canadian Police Information and therefore this will help you find a job, keep your job, enjoy the normal rates of insurance, travel… ..

10. In what situations can the Pardon be revoked?
The Pardon may be revoked in the following cases:
Being convicted of a new crime; There is convincing evidence that the person rehabilitated does not behave well. There is convincing evidence that the rehabilitated person provided false information or inaccurate statements when applying for rehabilitation.

11. Is rehabilitation obtained in Canada recognised in a foreign country?
The answer is no, because the Canadian Pardon has no value for several foreign countries, including the United States.
Thus, to visit the United States for example, you need permission from the American authorities, the so-called US-entry Waiver.

12. Will my criminal record be automatically deleted after a certain time?
Unfortunately it will not, you keep your criminal record even after several years and even if it involves a minor offence, the criminal record does not disappear automatically.

Pardons in Canada
“A Pardon is evidence of the fact that a conviction should no longer reflect adversely on that person’s character,
and removes any disqualifications to which the individual is subjected “
National Parole Board
  Learn more about
The Pardon can help you in:
  • Traveling to USA / other countries
  • Applying for a job and career advancement
  • Working as a volunteer
  • Rental approvals
  • Child custody cases
  • Working with kids
  • Adoption
  • Education opportunities
  • Your ability to be bonded
Pardon Guaranteed
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