Canada Pardon Services
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Canada Pardon Offices specializes in assisting any person with Canadian criminal records to obtain the Canadian Pardon and the U.S. Entry Restriction Waivers.

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Federal Pardon
American Waiver
Waiver Application
US Entry Waiver Form
Online Pardon Evaluation
Canadian Pardon Services
Call Toll Free: 1-888-596-5736

Welcome to Canada Pardon Offices

As of March 13 2012, the term "Pardon" has been replaced with "Record Suspension". Criminal records constitute a hindrance to your life by restricting access to employment, career development, training and travel.
Indeed your criminal record can be detrimental to your application if you want a job in many sectors such as banking, insurance, security, government, finance, business.

Your previous criminal record can cause you problems if you wish to travel. To apply for a visa to enter certain countries, you must prove that you are law abiding and your presence does not represent any risk or a hazard to the countries being visited (see more details on the entrance to the United States section);

As a general rule, during the imposition of a sentence, a person who has already endorsed a history judiciary will be dealt with more severely than a person who has never been convicted. The criminal record is the tool that makes it possible to know who has a previous criminal record and who has not;

The criminal record limits your right to training, employment, promotion and obtaining licenses and permits and is also a reason why insurance companies can refuse membership (home insurance, car insurance, health insurance) or you pay high rates.

What are the benefits of The Pardon?

All information about your convictions will be removed from the database of the Canadian Police of Information Center (CPIC) and no information on convictions can be communicated without the authorization of the Minister of Safety Public and Civil Protection. Keep in mind that it is extremely difficult to get this authorization.

The Canadian law related to people’s rights prohibits discrimination against persons who have been granted a Pardon, whether in the delivery of services to these people or their eligibility for a job in a federal agency. The LCJ stipulates that no job application form used in the federal civil service, may contain questions designed to reveal that a conviction has been granted a Pardon. This also applies to Crown Corporations, The Canadian Forces or any company under the federal government.

What are the limits of the Pardon?

  • The Pardon is not granted to all persons convicted.
  • The Pardon does not erase the fact that a person has been convicted.
  • The Pardon does not guarantee entry into another country or to obtain a visa.
The LCJ enumerates certain sexual offences. If a person receives a Pardon for one of these violations, his file will be kept separate from other records, but an indicator will be associated with his name in the (CPIC) system. This means that an employer could ask for a person’s file if that person attempts to get a job which will put them in contact with children or other vulnerable people because of their age or disability.

Federal Pardon
US Travel Waiver
Learn more about the U.S Waiver.
The Pardon can help you in:
  • Traveling to USA / other countries
  • Applying for a job and career advancement
  • Working as a volunteer
  • Rental approvals
  • Child custody cases
  • Working with kids
  • Adoption
  • Education opportunities
  • Your ability to be bonded
Pardon Guaranteed
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